My Credo - Piotr Filipp

I firmly believe that self-awareness is the cornerstone of effective leadership. My journey toward greater understanding of myself and my work began with a conscious decision to explore my own motivations, behaviours, and patterns. This process of introspection has allowed me to recognise my strengths, such as a natural inclination toward leadership, and areas for growth. By continuously working on myself, I’ve become more attuned to the dynamics of the teams I lead, making informed decisions and supporting meaningful change. My credo is rooted in the belief that personal growth and professional success are deeply intertwined, and that true leadership begins with self-reflection. My journey in personal development, coupled with my natural leadership tendencies, has been instrumental in my rapid career progression and the success I have achieved in my roles.

Empathy is at the heart of my leadership philosophy. I strive to understand the perspectives and motivations of my team members, fostering an environment where everyone feels heard and valued. This empathetic approach has proven invaluable in conflict resolution, risk management, and team dynamics. By placing myself in others’ shoes, I can anticipate challenges, address concerns proactively, and support my team in navigating complex situations. My ability to naturally take on leadership responsibilities from the earliest stages of my career has been further honed by this empathetic approach.

One of the most significant outcomes of my journey in self-awareness has been the ability to “read the room” effectively. Whether in a meeting with stakeholders or a brainstorming session with my team, I can quickly gauge the emotional and psychological undercurrents at play. This skill has given me a professional edge, allowing me to tailor my communication, influence decision-making, and drive projects forward with a nuanced understanding of group dynamics. My early experiences of taking on leadership tasks as a developer, combined with the insights gained from therapy, have amplified my ability to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics.