My Story - Piotr Filipp

My journey in the tech industry began as a Software Engineer at MicroStrategy, where I was part of a dynamic Scrum team focused on developing new products. In this role, I had the opportunity to work with cutting-edge technologies such as JavaScript (ES6/ES7), React with Redux, and RESTful services. I was actively involved in making decisions on technology stacks and architecture, which helped me develop a strong technical foundation. However, what truly set me apart in these early stages was my inclination to take on leadership tasks—whether it was guiding team discussions, suggesting ways to resolve conflicts, or simply stepping up when extra effort was needed.

After honing my technical skills, I transitioned into a leadership role as a Senior Software Engineer and Team Lead. This phase of my career was marked by a shift from individual contribution to team orchestration. I took on the responsibility of leading cross-team feature development, ensuring that our efforts were aligned with the broader company goals. I also ran training sessions and workshops on Unit Testing and Clean Code, sharing my knowledge and helping to elevate the technical standards across the team. My natural predisposition towards leadership became even more apparent in this role, as I found myself not only leading technically but also guiding the team through complex interpersonal dynamics and conflict resolution.

My role as a Tech Lead was a significant turning point in my career. In this position, I was tasked with overseeing the development experience (DX), ensuring that best practices and methodologies were not only followed but also evolved to meet the changing needs of the organization. I spearheaded innovative projects, regularly updating the team with new standards and driving the successful implementation of solutions. This role required me to anticipate future changes in technology and team dynamics, proactively identify issues, and take preventative measures. My natural leadership abilities, coupled with the self-awareness and conflict management skills I developed through therapy, enabled me to excel in this role and drive significant change within the organization.

Today, as the Head of Engineering, I am responsible for setting the strategic direction of our engineering efforts. I collaborate closely with leadership to define transformational goals that align with the organization’s mission and vision. My focus is on fostering a culture of innovation, excellence, and quality within the engineering teams. I lead initiatives aimed at continuous improvement, streamlining workflows, and enhancing operational efficiency. One of the most rewarding aspects of my current role is the opportunity to mentor and support other leaders as they navigate the challenges of change management and team dynamics. My journey of self-discovery through therapy, combined with my inherent leadership qualities, has equipped me with the skills and insights needed to lead with both vision and empathy.